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A Tragic Tale Of Vengeance And Betrayal

Aemond Targaryen's Death in the Battle Above the Gods Eye

A Tragic Tale of Vengeance and Betrayal

The Death of King Viserys

In 129 AC, Aemond Targaryen, the second son of King Viserys I Targaryen, was nineteen years old when his father died. Aemond's older brother, Aegon II Targaryen, was crowned King in his place.

A Fierce Aerial Battle

During the Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons, Aemond Targaryen and Daemon Targaryen, the younger brother of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, engaged in a fierce aerial battle above the Gods Eye. Both riders were mounted on their formidable dragons, Vhagar and Caraxes, respectively.

"Enough to Kill Lucerys Targaryen..."

In the House of the Dragon season 1 finale, Aemond utters a chilling phrase to his dragon, Vhagar: "Enough to kill Lucerys Targaryen..." This ominous declaration foreshadows the tragic event that would unfold.

Daemon's Vow of Vengeance

After the death of his son, Lucerys Targaryen, at the hands of Aemond and Vhagar, Daemon vows to avenge his son. He declares, "A son for a son," and sets out to hunt down and kill Aemond.

The Conclusion of Aemond's Story

In the book "Fire & Blood," Aemond's death comes after Daemon vows to Rhaenyra to avenge the death of Lucerys. Aided by Lady Alys Rivers, a treacherous woman who has Aemond's trust, Daemon ambushes Aemond and Vhagar. In the ensuing battle, Aemond and Vhagar are killed, marking a significant turning point in the Dance of the Dragons.
