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Diet Coke Vs Coke Zero Whats The Difference

Diet Coke vs. Coke Zero: What's the Difference?

Registered dietitians compare the two popular diet sodas

What are the differences in taste between Diet Coke and Coke Zero?

Diet Coke presents a lighter taste profile while Coke Zero is designed to more closely resemble the taste of regular Coke. Coke Zero contains a blend of sweeteners that include aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose, while Diet Coke contains only aspartame.

Are Diet Coke and Coke Zero different drinks?

Diet Coke and Coke Zero are both zero-calorie, zero-sugar sodas, but they have different taste profiles and slightly different ingredient lists. Diet Coke has a lighter, sweeter taste, while Coke Zero has a bolder, more cola-like flavor. Coke Zero also contains a slightly higher amount of caffeine than Diet Coke.

What is the healthiest option?

Diet Coke and Coke Zero are both low-calorie, sugar-free sodas, but they are not necessarily healthy. Both drinks contain artificial sweeteners, which have been linked to a number of health problems, including weight gain, increased risk of heart disease, and cancer. If you are looking for a healthy alternative to sugary sodas, water or unsweetened tea are better choices.
